By: Shawne Poplar, MA LPC Licensed Professional Counselor

This week is a continuation of the previous post! Please read "Teen Mental Health Post- pandemic: Part I" if you have not already. We are getting straight to the point. What can parents do to help their teen who is struggling since the pandemic?
Below are my most common suggestions to parents I speak to:
Listen, without judgment, to your teen’s health concerns
Ask your teen to name at least one other trusted adult.
Your teen will not always share with you when they struggle. Ensure they have another trustworthy adult who will guide and assist.
Review times when your teen has successfully overcome previous challenges
This reminds them that they have done hard things before and can be successful
Teach and model emotion regulation skills that can be transferred in multiple situations
Contact a mental health professional
Contact your teen’s school counselor
Schools have accommodations and additional resources that can help your student
Contact your primary care physician
A primary care physician is a great starting place to discuss mental health. They often provide referrals for therapy if appropriate.
Manage your mental health
It is important to address your mental health needs in order to best assist your teen’s mental health